How to know if a trainer is legit.

If you’ve scrolled Instagram, YouTube or Tik Tok, you’ve probably seen tons of different fitness coaches…

6 Superior Core Training Exercises for a Stronger Center

A strong core isn’t just about aesthetics—it’s about creating a solid foundation that supports your entire…

Cycling is Good For Your Knees – BionicOldGuy

I’ve known this for some time but it was good to see it confirmed in a…

3 Tips to Power Down if You Can’t Sleep After a Workout

You planned to exercise earlier in the day, but life got in the way. Now you…

5 Tips to Stay Motivated

Last week of Summer Shape Up is HERE!! Whether you have completed all of the challenge up…

NBHWC-Approved Programs Online – AFPA

The health coaching industry is rapidly evolving, requiring a high standard of professional competence. If you’re…

Understanding the Effects of Caffeine Before Workout

Whether you’re getting up early to hit the gym before work or you’re headed to an…

8.9 Friday Faves – The Fitnessista

Hi friends! Happy Friday! What are you up to this weekend? I’m meeting up with a…

How Close Should We Work Toward Failure For Optimal Muscle Growth?

From the first moment that most of us hit the gym, the question of how many…

the secret to a longer, healthier life – BionicOldGuy

This is a book by Osteopath David Vaux about strength training for middle-aged and older adults.…