Confronting trauma alleviates chronic pain among older veterans

A new study led by UCLA Health and the U.S. Veterans Affairs Office found chronic pain…

Intervention reduces stress and feelings of burden of family caregivers of older adults with dementia

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 80% of those living with dementia…

How stress knocks out your cognitive reserve

While mentally stimulating activities and life experiences can improve cognition in memory clinic patients, stress undermines…

Study shows how justice facility dogs benefit wellbeing for children facing court

A new Edith Cowan University (ECU) study has revealed that having a four-legged friend at Children’s…

The hits keep coming. So how do we fight back against stress?

Like everything that could go wrong has gone wrong? Like Murphy (and his law) has moved…

Four Tools For A Healthier Relationship With Stress

A famous quote from Mark Twain says, “Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have…

Understanding the relationship between bruxism and stress

Teeth grinding has long been seen as a sign of stress, though the actual causality between…

Harnessing Emotional Intelligence: A Key To Reducing Stress At Work

As May is observed as Mental Health Awareness Month, let’s take a moment to focus on…

Are Workers Really Rage Quitting? Here’s What To Do Instead

Rage quitting is all the rage these days. In rage quitting, an employee basically tells their…

Under stress, an observer is more likely to help the victim than to punish the perpetrator

Being stressed while witnessing injustice may push your brain towards altruism, according to a study published…