Häagen-Dazs Will Make Its Super Bowl Debut in 2025

Petruccelli, co-founder and CCO at nice&frank, said that the fact that the brand wanted the agency more for the creative platform and the long-term relationship was much better than just being a one-off collaborator.

“It’s a deeper relationship, which is great,” Petruccelli told ADWEEK.

She continued that the agency’s name helped land the business because they live up to the name.

“It may be on the nose, but clients are excited to work with people that are values-driven, and that want to have like a kinder, more frank way to work,” said Petruccelli.

Tamera Geddes, partner and president at nice&frank said the agency was thrilled to have won the business for a brand as iconic as Häagen-Dazs.

“For a company that believes in the power of being nicer and franker, working with ice cream is a dream. We love the attention to detail and care that’s put into all the incredible flavors, and this becomes an enormous creative playground for us,” said Geddes in a statement.

Petruccelli said that Häagen-Dazs wants to enter culture the right way and the Super Bowl is a way to do that in the biggest way possible while extending the platform far beyond the one big event.

Tone was one of the big topics of conversation for the agency and brand as they got to know each other, and the Super Bowl will help set that tone.

“They’re such a stylish brand. They’ve done a great job in the past couple of years of upping their look and feel to feel culturally relevant in that way. But how you elevate with a bit of a wink in the Super Bowl is a really fun challenge. I’m very proud to say we’ve landed them an idea and a platform that will help them do that,” said Petruccelli.

Assisting in the development and activation of the Häagen-Dazs Super Bowl 2025 campaign are existing agency partners Spark Foundry, which manages paid media across the Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream portfolio, and The Door for all public relations, influencer and talent support.