SMX Interview Of Elizabeth Tucker Of Google

Elizabeth Tucker Google Barry Schwartz

Yesterday at SMX Advanced, I interviewed the Google executive who announced the March 2024 core update on the main Google blog. I asked Elizabeth Tucker a boatload of questions around SEO, the core update, the helpful content update, the search data leak and of course AI Overviews. Heck, I even made a comment about Reddit ruling the Google Search results.

You can listen to the full interview for free if you register for SMX Advanced – it is now on demand. You can also read the excellent recap by Danny Goodwin at Search Engine Land named 13 SEO takeaways from Google’s Elizabeth Tucker at SMX Advanced. Since I am offline today, I wrote this right after the interview went live and tried to include any SEO industry comments below.

Here is what I asked:

  • More about what Elizabeth Tucker does at Google
  • What should content creators do to build content that Google wants to rank well
  • What are some big misconceptions and red flags SEOs have about Google ranking
  • Why the March core update took so long
  • Was this the biggest core update yet
  • Why the delay in telling us the core update was complete
  • 40% vs 45% reduction figure explanation
  • How Google defines low-quality, unhelpful content
  • What is up with the volatility we saw in May/June
  • What is different with the core update and the helpful content update
  • Why are there no recoveries with the September 2023 helpful content update
  • How many systems are in core updates
  • Questions on the Google Search data leak
  • Did we catch Google lying to SEO
  • Why can’t we get AI Overview data in Search Console

Those were some of the questions I asked and some answers I clearly didn’t get but I tried. I also tried to get as much in within the 30-minute slot I was given. I hope some of you find it useful.

Here is some of the feedback I saw on this interview:

Via Search Bar:
Search Bar

Forum discussion at X.

Note: This was pre-written and scheduled to be posted today, I am currently offline for Shavout.