Qube Contemporary presents the raw spirit of “The Brut Collective”

In a space where art becomes a means of discovery and self-reflection, Qube Contemporary‘s “The Brut Collective: First Stop Cebu” is on the pedestal for avant-garde creativity, inspired by the revolutionary spirit of Jean Dubuffet’s Art Brut movement. 

The Brut Collective is a testament to the power of imagination and the resilience of the human spirit. This exhibit has a place for everyone and promises a unique and enriching experience.

This collective, comprising Reb Belleza, Ron Lopez Davis, David Kaufman, and Sandino Martin’s works, redefines artistic expression with audacious originality and unyielding passion.

Qube Contemporary Gallery presents the raw spirit of "The Brut Collective"

The Brut Collective is an odyssey into the heart of the human condition. It focuses on themes of existential contemplation, societal discord, and self-discovery. Each artist brings a unique approach to these universal themes, creating a powerful collective narrative that resonates with viewers on multiple levels.

The exhibit draws heavily on the principles of Art Brut, or “raw art,” characterized by its outsider status and unconventional materials. This approach creates a raw, unfiltered expression that challenges traditional notions of art and pushes the boundaries of creativity.

The Visionaries

Sandino Martin

Qube Contemporary Gallery presents the raw spirit of "The Brut Collective"

Sandino Martin.

Sandino Martin’s sculptures beckon viewers into a world of haunting beauty and existential contemplation. His works are fashioned from the remnants of forgotten narratives and reclaimed dreams. Martin believes everyone is an artist and should not be constrained by traditional academic lessons. 

“I was never taught about the fine arts,” he shares. I owe my art history to self-learning and applying different techniques to materials like stainless steel. A lot of my works come from my childhood dreams and stories.”

David Kaufman

David Kaufman

David Kaufman transforms canvases into urban landscapes alive with the chaotic rhythms of modernity. His abstract expressionism captures emotional turmoil and societal discord with vibrant energy. 

“I started doing art without paint,” he explains, “During the pandemic, I began creating with everything but paint, using materials from junk shops and hardware stores.”

Reb Belleza

Qube Contemporary Gallery presents the raw spirit of "The Brut Collective"

Reb Belleza

Reb Belleza’s multimedia installations merge artistry with activism to challenge societal norms and provoke dialogue. With a career of over 35 years, Belleza’s work encompasses painting, music, film, and installation, all aimed at self-expression and creativity.

“My inspiration comes from everyday things,” he says. I read a lot and watch the news, and my works have activist themes. They are not just paintings but messages that challenge and disrupt complacency.”

Ron Lopez Davis

Ron Lopez Davis paints with the language of the soul, revealing universal truths through his intricate compositions. His work transcends cultural boundaries, inviting viewers on a journey through the labyrinth of human experience.

Each stroke of his brush is a revelation, illuminating the hidden corners of our shared humanity with unflinching honesty and poetic grace.

The Essence of Raw Art

Qube’s The Brut Collective is a testament to the power of imagination and the resilience of the human spirit. This exhibit has a place for everyone and promises a unique and enriching experience.

Don’t miss your chance to witness this extraordinary showcase of artistic expression. The exhibit runs from August 16, 2024, through the end of the month at Qube Contemporary Gallery, 3rd Floor Design Center of Cebu, A. S. Fortuna St., Mandaue City.