On 1 May the IEEE Board of Directors is scheduled to announce the candidates to be placed on this year’s ballot for the annual election of officers—which begins on 15 August.
The ballot includes IEEE president-elect candidates and other officer positions up for election.
The Board of Directors has nominated IEEE Senior Member Jill I. Gostin and IEEE Senior Member David Alan Koehler as candidates for 2026 IEEE president-elect. IEEE Life Fellow Manfred J. “Fred” Schindler is seeking nomination by petition for 2026 IEEE president-elect. Visit ieee.org/pe26 for information about the three candidates.
This year’s ballot also includes nominees for delegate-elect/director-elect openings submitted by division and region nominating committees, as well as IEEE Technical Activities vice president-elect; IEEE-USA president-elect; IEEE Standards Association president-elect and board of governors members-at-large; and IEEE Women in Engineering Committee chair-elect.
Those elected take office on 1 January 2026.
IEEE members who want to run for an office, except for IEEE president-elect, who have not been nominated need to submit their petition intention to the IEEE Board of Directors by 15 April. Petitions should be sent to the IEEE Corporate Governance staff: [email protected]. The petition intention deadline for IEEE president-elect was 31 December.
Updates to this year’s election
In the 2025 IEEE annual election, eligible voting members residing in the future IEEE Region 11 (South Asia and Pacific) will be electing the region’s delegate-elect/director-elect for the 2026–2027 term, as outlined in The Institute’sSeptember 2024 article, “How Region Realignment Will Impact IEEE Elections.”
In addition, the IEEE Board of Directors approved revisions to clarify the voter eligibility for the office of IEEE-USA president-elect. IEEE members who reside in the United States or its territories and hold the membership grade of graduate student member or higher are eligible to vote for IEEE-USA president-elect.
Effective this annual election, ballots will be created for eligible voting members on record on 31 March.
To support sustainability initiatives, members may vote electronically instead of by mail. To ensure voting eligibility, members are encouraged to review and update their contact information and communication preferences by 31 March.
For more information about the offices up for election, the process for getting on the annual ballot, and deadlines, visit the election website or email [email protected].
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