So You Want to Get into Media? Here’s How to Do it

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When you know that you want a career in media or you’d love to start your own media business, it’s always important to work out exactly how you’re going to do that. It’s never enough to just dream about it – because then you’ll always wish that you went for it. So, instead, you need to start putting some plans together and begin executing it all. But even when you know it’s what you want, it’s not always that easy to figure out exactly what to do. The world of media can feel like a competitive industry – and in this day and age, it can be hard to stand out. Maybe you’re a little self-conscious or you’re worried that you won’t be able to make it work. That’s very normal. We all experience imposter syndrome from time to time – but the important thing is to not let it win.

If you know that you’d love to get started in the media industry and even do your own thing, you’ve come to the right place. Because in this blog post, we’re going to take a look at exactly what you can do when you want to get into media – whether that’s working for a company or launching your own media site or business. Let’s get straight into it.

Deciding What You Want to Do

So first of all, before you can embark on anything, you need to make sure that you’re deciding what you want to do. This can be hard when you’re just getting started with your career plans and you’re not too sure what options are open to you. So here, you’ll want to do your research and consider what kind of fields or roles you might be interested in. This is going to help you to narrow things down and make the right decision. You can then also explore the idea of whether you want to go into a company and climb the corporate career ladder in media or whether you want to start your own thing and look to launch a side hustle or small business.

Working at a Media Company

First of all, you may want to get into a big media corporation or even work for a small business. Either way, if you’re interested in entering the media industry as an employee, here are some of the key things you’ll need to bear in mind.

Having Skills and Qualifications

One of the first places to start with this is by looking at your skills and qualifications. It’s important to make sure that you know what’s required of you to get into the industry. That way, you can then ensure that your education and college choices (where relevant) and in line with what skills and qualifications you’re likely to need.

Getting an Internship

The next thing you might want to do here is think about getting your first internship. Getting an internship may seem a little intimidating and overwhelming – but it can also be a lot of fun and become your first foray into the world of media. At the same time, you may find that it’s competitive. So it’s going to be important for you to stand out here. Having the right skills, qualifications, and experience – as well as an interesting application – can help here.

Building Something on the Side

At this point, you may also want to consider building something up on the side of your internship or college work. Building a side hustle in media can help you build up a portfolio of work to show during interviews. When you’re new to the industry, it can be hard to demonstrate your skills and expertise. So starting your own thing can be such a simple way of allowing you to do that.

Career Progression

You’re also going to want to think about investing your time and energy into your career progression. This can be going from your first internship to being hired into a full-time position, or even where you’d like to advance from there. But this is all going to begin with you knowing exactly what career progression you’d like to aim for or what sort of senior roles are available as a progression. It can then help you to make sure that you get started in the right ways.

Getting and Nailing an Interview

When you’re starting to apply for roles that you want, you will want to make sure that you can get an interview. This is what your skills, qualifications, and portfolio are there for. But when it comes to getting the job, you also want to make sure that you can ace the interview too. Building up your confidence here can really support you in the process of landing your dream media job.

Creating a Career Plan

Finally, you may also want to think about pulling together a career plan. This is something that can be quite tempting to do at the beginning before you get started, but things can change as you get your first job and begin to advance. You can then look to rejig your plan to see where you want to be in one year, five years, or even ten years’ time. Then, you can map out exactly what steps take or roles or promotions you’ll need to get in order to get to where you want to be. This can be a great way for you to 


Starting Your Own Media Side Hustle or Business

However, it might actually be the case that you don’t want to go into a company and you’d love to be able to launch your own thing. If that’s the case, then here are a few things that you’ll want to keep in mind.

Taking That Side Hustle Further

So the first thing that you might want to consider doing here is looking to take your side hustle further. This is particularly relevant if you have already worked through deciding what you want and have been working on getting the skills and qualifications you need at college. You may even have done an internship and now building up your side hustle for experience. It’s often at this point that you may decide that you actually want to continue with it and take it full-time.

Creating a Media Site

Or, if you know that you want to create something a little different, you might want to launch right into that. This could involve creating your own media or content website to share your work and thoughts. So first, look into the bespoke website design services to get your site up and running. You can then create articles, videos, audio, or whatever it is that you’re looking to share and get everything started!

Building Your Own Presence

The next thing that you will need to do here is to focus on building a strong presence online. Regardless of what you want to do, you’ll find that you need to get eyes on your work. You may even choose to create content for social media as the media side hustle itself! Either way, being able to create engaging and attention-grabbing content will allow you to establish your presence and grow what you’re building.

Creating a Business Plan

As things start to grow and progress, you may then want to think about pulling together a plan for your business. Being able to outline your ideas and consider all of the areas you need to work on in order to establish a legitimate business venture can be a lot of fun. It can also act as a guide to help you put it al into motion.

Hiring a Team

At some point, you may also want to think about hiring a team. This may not be something that’s on your agenda initially, but if you want to grow your site or your media business, at some point you will need help. Hiring the right people to work with you can allow you to harness their expertise and take the business to new heights.

Growing Your Idea

Then the last thing for you to work on here is growing your business idea and taking things to the next level. Luckily, your business plan will come in handy here. But at the same time, you’re going to need to make sure that you’re dedicating time and energy to growing it all. This means coming up with new ideas and being aware of what you need to do next to grow and expand. But this all gets to be fun too – particularly as it will allow you to get to where you want to be in the media world.

Final Thoughts: Building a Successful Career in the Media Industry

Ultimately, when it comes to getting into media and creating the career of your dreams, you are the one who will drive it! So here, make sure that you’re motivated and putting in the work. All of the right steps can be outlined for you, but you need to have the courage and determination to put yourself out there and make it all happen! If you’re creative, dedicated, and committed, you’ll be able to see it through. So get started today and see where your career in media takes you!

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