A Weaker Less Able Defense? – IronMag Bodybuilding & Fitness Blog


by Matt Weik, BS, CSCS, CPT, CSN

I’ve been saying for a while now, with it falling on deaf ears, that our military is weaker than ever. Wokeness has taken over, and the whole “inclusivity” aspect has dudes dressed in drag shaking their asses on the barracks across the nation. Is this the Navy and military you want protecting our nation and freedoms?

I sure as hell don’t want that.

In the face of danger, we need men willing to do violence to protect our nation and its people. I’m not so sure we have that today and now we’re seeing the fitness standard dropping to levels a teenager could pass with ease.


All in the name of allowing more people to join the armed forces since not only is morale down but so are the enlistment numbers.

Now, what am I getting at here? Well, let’s dive into the latest move by the Navy to change the fitness policy to allow weak individuals to stay in the fight.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions in this article are mine based on the latest news coming out online about the updated Navy fitness policy.

Is the Navy as Strong and Fit as Ever or a National Liability?

The U.S. Navy is making waves with a new fitness policy that could be great for sailors who are fat, lazy, and unfit. Gone are the days when failing back-to-back fitness tests meant career suicide. Instead, the Navy is adopting a more “balanced approach” to health and fitness that I personally feel is more of a liability than an asset.

As of June 18, 2024, commanding officers now have more discretion in evaluating a sailor’s physical readiness. This shift, announced in a recent administrative notice, moves away from automatic penalties and towards a more comprehensive view of a sailor’s health and performance.

Vice Admiral Richard Cheeseman, the Navy’s personnel chief, explained that the updated policy removes “significant problem comments and administration actions concerning physical readiness program failures.” They believe that this change recognizes that “true fitness goes beyond just passing a test.”

I don’t know about you, but if I’m going to war and am standing next to my brothers and sisters, I expect them to have my back as much as I have theirs. If I cannot count on them to be there mentally and physically when the proverbial shit hits the fan, then they are more of a liability than anything else. And quite frankly, a disgrace to the armed forces.

They went on further to say that “Building the bodies of great people is more than annual (or biannual) testing. These changes emphasize the importance of “healthy food, adequate sleep, opportunities to exercise (especially outside), and medical readiness.” The whole purpose of the changes is to have a holistic approach showing the Navy’s commitment to overall sailor well-being.

Personally, I think that’s a bunch of bullshit. When you sign up for the Navy or any armed forces, you know exactly what you signed up for. You’re going to be pushed — HARD. If that’s not for you, then don’t sign up. But when this country needs warriors, we have a bunch of gardeners in a war.

Under the new policy, commanding officers will evaluate a sailor’s physical readiness, progress, or lack thereof in performance evaluations. This gives them the flexibility to manage risk, recognize sincere effort, and better care for their personnel.

From my point of view, from what is being shown online, these changes and the physical fitness of these individuals should cause us all to worry. It’s now a watered-down requirement. And what are they going to do? Turn people away? These days, they can’t even get people to sign up for the Navy. They’re going to bring anyone on and allow them to stay no matter what.

The policy also introduces a single Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA) cycle for the 2025 calendar year, simplifying the process further.

Commanders are now asked to consider a sailor’s ability to perform their duties without physical or medical limitations, their overall contribution to Navy missions, and the likelihood of improvement in meeting PFA standards within a year.

In other words, if you have a pulse, you’re good to go. The hardest thing you have to do upon waking up is decide what thong and lipstick you want to wear for the day.

They say these changes aren’t aimed at boosting retention, but we know that’s precisely what it is because REAL WARRIORS are getting out of the military now that it’s gone woke and weak. Commanders claim the changes will help address the morale changes the Navy has been facing.

If you read between the lines, what they’re saying is the men willing to do violence and risk their lives don’t want to be next to individuals who can’t figure out what gender they want to be and sit around twerking in their free time.

They’re calling this whole charade the Navy’s “Culture of Excellence 2.0” campaign. I call it the downfall of national security.

This change marks a significant shift from the previous policy, where one failure meant mandatory fitness programs, and a second consecutive failure could block promotions or re-enlistment.

The Navy claims it’s a refreshing approach that recognizes the complexities of maintaining peak physical condition in a demanding profession. I agree that it’s a demanding profession. However, the standards today do not meet the standards they once were.

Today’s standards would have gotten people thrown out of the military and publicly mocked by their peers for being weak — both physically and mentally.

Clearly, this is my article and my thoughts/opinions, but you all need to start paying attention because no one is coming to save you. You need to be physically fit to protect yourself and this nation in the event something heats up involving what’s going on around the globe.


Because I’m not about to sit here and rely on these new Navy fitness policies to increase our readiness to protect this land and our people. It sounds like DEI at its finest and all we want is men and women willing to go to hell and back and do the unthinkable to defend this nation.