99% of Crazy Bulk Reviews Are Fake (Read My Honest Review)

Dr George TouliatosDisclaimer: The following article is for educational purposes only and does not promote the use of illegal steroids. If you have any questions or concerns, Dr. Touliatos is currently available for consultation.

So, you’ve been trying to build muscle naturally for years, but with little progress.

You desire to gain muscle mass, yet you are reluctant to use steroids. Then, out of nowhere, you hear about Crazy Bulk—a company that sells legal steroid alternatives, claiming to produce the same results as anabolic steroids but without the side effects.

Have you just stumbled on the holy grail of bodybuilding supplements?

Or are you about to fall victim to a dishonest snake-oil salesman?

Your next step is to conduct some research, so you type in Crazy Bulk review into Google to read countless (seemingly) fake reviews from people who haven’t actually tried the products themselves.

In fact, these Crazy Bulk reviews sound like sales pitches, possibly written by a company employee.

Disappointed with your findings, you land on this review, which is different from the rest.

We’re about to dispel the myths and reveal whether ordering from Crazy Bulk is a wise decision, while also uncovering the marketing hype and falsehoods surrounding this brand.

What is Crazy Bulk?

Firstly, there’s some confusion as to what Crazy Bulk’s products actually are.

They’ve occasionally marketed their supplements as legal steroids, resulting in some people thinking they’re buying real steroids (legally).

Steroid alternatives, however, are a more accurate description of these products.

In short, these are products formulated to emulate the anabolic effects of steroids (they aren’t real steroids).

This is why they’re legal to buy online and FDA-approved.

Note: Anabolic steroids are 100% illegal (in almost every country in the world). Thus, there’s no such thing as legal steroids.

What adds to the confusion is Crazy Bulk putting the real steroid name in brackets after their products; thus, some customers may think they’re buying dianabol when actually they’re getting D-Bal (a steroid alternative).

See below.


You’ll notice all of Crazy Bulk’s supplement names have similar names to real steroids, such as tren-max (instead of trenbolone) and anvarol (for anavar).

Now it’s time to expose some of the gimmicky marketing surrounding these products.

3 Types of Crazy Bulk Reviews

  1. Untrustworthy reviews
  2. Fake reviews
  3. Genuine reviews

1. Untrustworthy Crazy Bulk Reviews

Third-Party Reviews

On the Crazy Bulk website, they have hundreds of verified reviews from customers, collected by the company Feefo.

They have a high 4.4/5 rating, which appears to be legit until you read the comments.

They appear to be from real customers, but based on their feedback, most reviews were submitted before trying the supplements.

As a result, their comments primarily refer to the customer service and buying process rather than whether the supplements actually worked. They’re submitting feedback while in the honeymoon phase, excited for their gains (which may explain the high rating).

Here’s an example of a typical comment:

crazy bulk feedback

There are other websites that aim to collect reviews from Crazy Bulk customers.

However, unlike Feefo, there is no verification that the person submitting the review actually purchased the supplements.

This leaves a window of opportunity for competitors to submit negative feedback. Thus, we cannot trust these reviews either.

Competitors’ fake comments?

highya reviews

Additionally, you can’t fully trust reviews posted on the official Crazy Bulk website because some supplement companies pay people to fake their before and after transformations.

2. Fake Crazy Bulk Reviews

These are reviews that blatantly lie, either about the product claims or by posting fake pictures.

For example, a few websites even have me in their before and after photos. They’ve literally taken my transformation and posted it on their website as an opportunity to try to increase sales.

See below: These are screenshots obtained after typing Crazy Bulk before and after into Google images.

These are pictures of me. These, however, aren’t my websites (fake reviews).

fake reviews

Pro bodybuilders promote Crazy Bulk? Not so fast.

There are also reviews that hype up Crazy Bulk and stick pictures of famous bodybuilders next to their products—to make it seem like a recommendation from the athlete (see below).

crazy bulk ads

Crazy Bulk has no affiliation with Simeon Panda (top), Lazar Angelov (middle), or Victor Martinez (bottom).

These websites also typically plaster ads throughout their reviews, so anyone with a brain can sniff the lack of authenticity a mile away.

Note: Individual marketers or spammers are to blame for such reviews, not Crazy Bulk, as you cannot control what other people post about your brand.

3. 7 Real Crazy Bulk Reviews

After hours of diligent research, we have found several honest Crazy Bulk reviews from real customers, which you can read below.

We made it our mission to stalk every Crazy Bulk customer on social media who used the hashtags #crazybulk or #dbal (a product name) to see what they really think about this company.

These individuals weren’t sponsored athletes, nor were they attempting to guide others to the Crazy Bulk website through affiliate links. We ignored the people who did this.

We found the response was actually very positive.


crazy bulk results


crazy bulk review


Crazy Bulk review instagram



crazy bulk review


dbal review


happy cb review

Does Crazy Bulk Work?

From the positive reviews we found on social media (above), there is evidence that Crazy Bulk’s products work.

100% of the reviews we found were positive.

There’s a chance people are more likely to hashtag Crazy Bulk if they’re a fan of the products (rather than a hater).

Nonetheless, these customers have experienced increased strength, muscle gains, and fat loss. Whether this is a placebo effect or not, they are happy with their purchase.

It’s also worth noting that no one responds to supplements (or even steroids) in the same way.

For example, I respond incredibly well to a testosterone booster called tribulus terrestris (which is one of the ingredients in D-Bal, Deca-max, and Anadrole).

I gained around 15 pounds of lean muscle in the first month I tried this herb, and it felt to me like I was taking steroids.

However, my brother took it and noticed no difference; thus, taking supplements can be trial and error. If I had listened to other people who didn’t experience any results on tribulus terrestris and didn’t buy it, I would be noticeably smaller than I am now.

Disclosure: We do not accept any form of advertising on Inside Bodybuilding. We monetize our practice via doctor consultations and carefully chosen supplement recommendations, which have given our patients excellent results.

Legal Steroid Alternatives That Work

“There is evidence that if you could use these (steroid alternatives), they would be much better than using anabolic steroids.”

Several of the herbs and amino acids mentioned by Dr. Thomas O’Connor are present in Crazy Bulk’s legal steroid alternatives (being D-Bal, Testo-Max, Anadrole, and Deca-Max).

Note: Dr. Thomas O’Connor has no affiliations with Crazy Bulk; he is simply giving his expert medical opinion regarding certain ingredients that have anabolic effects.

legal steroids

Click here to view Crazy Bulk’s full product range (and receive 20% off)


Which Crazy Bulk Supplements Are Best For Me?

The best Crazy Bulk products will depend on your goals.

For example, if you want to burn fat and build muscle at the same time, tren-max, testo-max, anvarol, and win-max would be the best choices.

However, if you’d like to gain as much muscle and strength as possible, anadrole, d-bal, and testo-max are ideal.

If your primary objective is fat loss, we recommend clenbutrol, anvarol, and win-max.

For maximum results, users can take advantage of Crazy Bulk’s stacks (which also work out cheaper).

  • The bulking stack is made up of d-bal, testo-max, tren-max, and deca-max.
  • The cutting stack includes anvarol, clenbutrol, win-max, and testo-max.

We find that stacks typically produce better results because they use more steroid alternatives simultaneously.

Some people are uncomfortable running several anabolic steroids at the same time due to more severe side effects.

However, because Crazy Bulk’s products are safe, you can stack several of their supplements together without jeopardizing your health. Our SHBG tests indicate that Crazy Bulk’s steroid alternatives do not suppress endogenous testosterone. Our LFTs (liver function tests) show that ALT and AST enzymes remain stable. And our lipid profiles confirm that LDL and HDL cholesterol do not worsen, preventing any potential cardiotoxicity.

Do You Need to Run a PCT After?

A PCT is an abbreviation for post-cycle therapy. Steroid users will often run a PCT to help their testosterone levels recover post-cycle (1) while retaining the muscle and strength they gained during a cycle.

Because Crazy Bulk supplements do not negatively affect the HPTA (hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis), a PCT is not required. Thus, once you stop taking them, you won’t crash and feel bad afterwards (like many do with steroids).

Can Crazy Bulk Cause Gynecomastia?

No, taking their supplements will not result in the formation of gyno or manboobs.

This is because estrogen (the female sex hormone) levels won’t rise as high, in contrast to taking steroids. Anabolic steroids convert significant amounts of testosterone into estrogen (2), in a bid to regulate the body’s hormonal profile. However, Crazy Bulk only uses natural ingredients, so hormones stay within a normal range.

Crazy Bulk’s products, composed of 100% natural ingredients, are likely to cause zero side effects for users. Although extremely sensitive people can have adverse reactions to natural substances, the adverse effects compared to steroids are incomparable.

We have seen anabolic steroids cause liver or heart failure when used for too long (3), whereas Crazy Bulk compounds are FDA-approved and safe (even when used long-term).

Will I Pass a Drug Test?

Yes, Crazy Bulk’s products only use FDA-approved ingredients (none of them are banned substances).

So, whether you’re an athlete or in the army, you won’t get flagged in a drug test.

Does Crazy Bulk Offer a Money-Back Guarantee?

Crazy Bulk offers a 100% refund (minus the shipping costs) to all customers who return their packages within 60 days of their order.

This is a generous amount of time, demonstrating Crazy Bulk’s confidence in their products.

Can I Take Crazy Bulk’s Supplements For More Than 8 Weeks?

Crazy Bulk has sample cycles on their website that last for 8 weeks. This is similar to real steroid cycles, which don’t last long to minimize damage to the liver and the heart.

However, because Crazy Bulk contains safe ingredients, there’s no need to cut your cycle off at 8 weeks.

If you wanted, you could continue taking Crazy Bulk for several months continuously (without developing any issues).

However, the longer you take any substance, the more your body will adapt to it, building up tolerance.

Thus, if you wanted to keep making gains in the long run, you could take it for 8 weeks, followed by 8 weeks off (and then repeat).

Crazy Bulk Coupon Code

Crazy Bulk does not allow other websites to display coupon codes.

However, they do have coupon codes available directly on their website.

A code will usually pop up at the bottom of the screen. For example, right now, you can receive 20% off by using the code SALE20.

If a code doesn’t appear instantly when you land on their website, simply open the live chat and ask for a coupon, and one of their support teams is likely to help you out.

Can Women Take Crazy Bulk Supplements?

crazy bulk for women
Yes, Crazy Bulk’s legal steroid alternatives will not cause virilization in women.

Thus, they will keep their femininity intact, unlike anabolic steroids, which can cause a deepened voice, hair growth, and an enlarged clitoris in females (4).

Crazy Bulk Pros and Cons


  • Crazy Bulk’s compounds replicate the muscle-building and fat-burning effects of anabolic steroids.
  • No obvious side effects
  • Free worldwide shipping
  • Popular products (509,389 bottles sold)
  • 60-day money-back guarantee


  • Premium prices
  • Not as powerful as anabolic steroids (approximately 70–80% as effective*).

*Based on users who genetically respond well to Crazy Bulk’s products.


crazy bulk
There is simply too much bias and impartiality on the internet for many Crazy Bulk reviews to be credible.

However, according to the genuine reviews we found on social media, customers appear to be satisfied with the results of their products. This is no small feat, considering that these supplements are trying to produce similar gains to anabolic steroids.

Dr. Thomas O’Connor can also vouch for the effectiveness of several ingredients in Crazy Bulk’s products.

Feefo reviews confirm that Crazy Bulk is not a scammy website, with a smooth buying process and a responsive customer support team.

Crazy Bulk also has many methods of contact (email, phone, WhatsApp, and physical address), and they are active on social media with strong followings, which are all positive signals of a successful brand.

Note: If you’re interested in purchasing Crazy Bulk’s products, only do so from the official website: CRAZYBULK.COM.

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